Competitive strategy the company is based on a particular concept of competitiveness of the company team activities on the market, expressing the specific structure of market competitiveness factors. Means a set of activities involving the development of existing sources in the company's competitiveness, ie. The collection of certain specific resources, skills and structures (core competencies or capabilities) and the creation of new ones. The first strategy, which can be defined as a market competitive strategy, is associated with the current and short-term competitive advantage of the company in the various markets in which it operates. This second strategy, which can be defined as a strategy for the development of competitive resources, skills and enterprise structures is associated with the future and the long-term competitiveness of the company.
The company should build and use both short-term competitive strategy on the market in the external environment, as well as actions directed inside the company. The effectiveness of the market is conditioned by competitive resources and conditions for their development through effective market strategy. The market competitive strategy and competitive strategy development resources will be effective only if basing them on a comprehensive concept of competitiveness objectively reflects the preferences of customers, the situation and the actions of competitors, the primary source of competitive advantage, integrating a variety of factors of competitiveness.
The condition for the creation of effective market competition strategy is to have the knowledge and skills needed on the scope and methods of analysis of customers and competitors, and further knowledge and skills in the appropriate use of the approach and / in the analysis for strategy development. Similarly, the condition of creating an effective strategy for the development of key competencies is knowledge on the direction of the evolution of sectors and methods for creating core competencies. Full concept of competitiveness determines the market-leading competitive factors, and thus provides the basis for the creation of a market strategy. It specifies the primary sources of competitiveness, and thus indicates the directions of their development. Also defines mechanisms for creating key competences and their links with the external factors of enterprise competitiveness, and therefore indicates the activities appropriate for their use. Among the concepts of competitiveness they do not meet all these demands. Traditional concepts of competitiveness of the company is limited to direct sources of competitive advantage. The adoption of such an approach are limited efforts to increase competitiveness in the long term. Concepts of resource and "regulatory" formulate specific statements as to the primary sources of competitive advantage, so they can provide the basis for the actions of their development. Concepts of "international" competitiveness, focus on external, in relation to corporate resources, sources of competitive advantage (international markets, production factors, speed control international, location, and the concentration of activities, coordinating moves competitive).
It is therefore necessary to integrate external sources of competitiveness with internal, ie. Core competencies (or your company distinctive abilities). The internationalization and globalization, on the one hand, require new knowledge and skills, so the new key competences, and on the other provide opportunities for the development of key competencies (ability to distinguish your company). The competitiveness of enterprises should be considered in the chain of cause and effect linkages, in which we try to identify the individual cells that are growing deeper causes (sources) advantage. Competitive, for example, quality, price, and promotion of a company are the result of having a competitive technology, competitive procurement organization, and competitive marketing strategy, competitive strategy and development. These competitive conditions are achieved in a company that has a competitive form of organizational and competitive management system, including system information. Putting next turn, questions about the reason for superiority in management come to the knowledge and the skills to use it. Knowledge regarding both the regulatory processes in the enterprise, as well as real. The knowledge and skills of special features make the key competencies that distinguish the company the ability to direct the development of knowledge and skills in the company.
Knowledge and skills, including those forming core competencies are created in the company in the process of internal, ie. Organizational learning, as well as under the influence of the environment. New concepts competitiveness of the company are related to the new conditions of the competitive environment. Competition from local and national transformed in many sectors of the international and global. Increased rate of change in the market environment, technological and competitive. In this situation, companies must use "international" concepts of competitiveness, and therefore both from the market-based instruments, as well as sources of competitiveness - adapted to the new situation. One of the basic features of the new concept of competitiveness is the high propensity of enterprises to cooperate. The so-called. relational theory of competition imply that companies in their behavior seeking to restrict competition by agreements and alliances, and mergers and acquisitions. Other assumptions about the nature of competition and the market adopts the so-called. theory of hyper.