Mission and competitive advantage

The company can achieve a competitive advantage in the following areas:
• marketing - Competitive advantage the company earns by offering products or services of better quality, resulting from innovation management,

• knowledge management - continuous development through appropriate management of knowledge in the organization is also possible to achieve a competitive advantage.
• striving for uniqueness of the company and its products - product differentiation, highlighting the company on the market and finally the perception by consumers as distinctive (eg. a well known brand) makes it achieves competitive advantage.
• technology and production - as a result of scientific research in the organization can develop innovative production technology, which then would achieve either the leader or an increase in competitiveness resulting from the priority use of technology.
• quality of management - management of the company , encouraging entrepreneurship and work at a high level is also very important area in which the organization can achieve competitive advantage.
• time management - the company must respond quickly to market changes , and even try to anticipate upcoming trends , brand management , patents and company image - to maintain brand awareness among consumers and have their own patents stimulate demand for specific goods or services .

  In most companies operating in the market for at least several years developed its own standard organizational culture. But the most important is the fact that in their daily work, all trying to get them to obey treating them very seriously. To the canons of corporate culture also includes the dress code, or style of dress. Production hall apply the same clothes for all employees. Corporate culture is also an office etiquette, relationships and respect for others - from the cleaning service for executives ending. That's the way hires and dismisses employees and how they are treated during employment. They not without significance are also organized regular meetings of workers which have also become an important part of raising employee loyalty, as the previous two. They aim, in addition to supplement the information provided on a regular basis, also working to integrate people together. Such meetings are held in the office, in the club or on the exit integration. It is important, however, that always bring something "extra". Often it is the announcement of financial results, present the best change in a given period, or honest, uninhibited conversation with management. In addition, once a year all employees along with their families meet for a picnic capital which, in addition to fun brings elements of loyalty and motivation. It was also agreed that every five years, will be held open days in which everyone has the right to visit the plant and see the culture of the Japanese company. This is to set up a factory for the local community which, for us and for each enterprise is very important. I believe that if the various actions we can gain the loyalty of employees, if they feel co-responsible for the fate of the company, we can also be sure that we have gained the same crowd of devoted ambassadors of our company.
  According to the model Schein employees should understand the mission and strategy of your own business. This means that employees should be aware and be informed about the goals of the organization. This can not be done without communication which is here a key element of the communication process is a long process, and only thanks to planned, coherent, multidirectional and consistent actions, it is possible to create a positive image of the company. They started from their own backyard, that is, from the place where we are welcome every day, where closely watching us eyes own employees. Based on their observations and thus drawing their conclusions formed honest, sometimes raw image of our organization. For nothing in fact they pass the word about the great company if workers see and know that in reality this is not true. Introduced monthly meeting the crew of the company's management that address the issues concerning the company. In addition, they host weekly open meeting HR and PR of the crew which are raised all staff matters.
  Other measures are short daily patrols people with PR after the production hall directly to the line to talk with employees. Also introduced publishing a monthly newspaper company that has become a good tool to summarize each period and simple way of communication. To more fully characterize the culture of the organization, it is present popular model E.H. Schein, distinguished by its three levels, consisting of characteristic elements extracted in terms of observation and awareness: artifacts, recognized values and basic assumptions. The first level, artifacts, it is easiest to observe elements such as products and services, and the behavior of members of the community. These are the visible structures and organizational processes. Margaret Czerska divides artifacts on language, behavioral and physical.